Quiz: who do you write like?

Ha, I win! What did you get?

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

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Quiz: what does your imaginary book say about you?

Because honestly, MOST of our books are either imaginary or unfinished, right?

You Are a Thinker

You tend to have your feet on the ground. You think about what’s actual, and you love facts.

You are a reflective person. You prefer books that make you take stock of your life.

You are a person with a few deep interests. If you’re drawn to something, you learn everything about it.

You are a person who values your possessions. You tend to have fewer things but of higher quality.

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The Gothic Novel Quiz

Fuseli's Three Witches ALSO think this was a stupid quiz

Fuseli's Three Witches ALSO think this was a really stupid quiz, nyeah nyeah

No, not one of those braindead internet quizzes dreamed up by a bored 12-year-old Japanese schoolgirl (Which vampire would YOU date?) but rather a posh, intellectual-thank-you-very-much quiz dreamed up by the Books staff of the Guardian.

Take: The Gothic Novel Quiz

Humblingly (or not) I have no idea who any of the authors in #4 are. I can only presume that they write in British and haven’t been translated yet. And I guessed wildly at #10, again a parochial Britishism.

My result: a terrifying, blood-curdling 6/10! I can only blame this on the fact there was only one question about American Gothic and one about Irish. If you’re a book marketer, you’ve probably got an edge over a simple reader in this quiz.

Also: HEATHENS! No Thomas Ligotti? But a Twilight question??? Have you no pride?

What did you get? Confessions in the comments, IF! YOU! DARE!

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